NO. |
01 |
A granting authority to HONORABLE MAYOR DON L. ABALON, to allocate portion of the property Lot owned by the Municipality of San Roque to be used as EVALUATION CENTER and MULTI-PURPOSE FACILITY of Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar. |
SBM Dante C. Tan |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
January 6, 2020 |
02 |
Resolution Approving Barangay Resolution No. 06, series of 2019 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) of BARANGAY ZONE-4 SAN ROQUE, NORTHERN SAMAR for the Calendar Year 2020 amounting to ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE PESOS (PHP 1, 801,965.00) |
SBM Solidad S. Cagro |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
January 6, 2020 |
03 |
Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget of BARANGAY BANTAYAN, SAN ROQUE, Northern SAMAR embodying Appropriation Ordinance No. 19-10, series of 2019. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
January 6, 2020 |
04 |
Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget of BARANGAY COROCONOG, San Roque, Northern Samar embodying Appropriation Ordinance No. 19-01, series of 2019. |
January 6, 2020 |
05 |
Resolution Requesting the Department of Public Works and Highways 2nd Engineering District of Northern Samar and the Provincial Government of Northern Samar to include in their Annual Priority List of Projects the Construction and Improvement of all Non-Surfaced and Damage Road Intersections in the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar. |
SBM Dante C. Tan |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
January 13, 2020 |
06 |
Resolution Lifting the Sangguniang Bayan Declaration that Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar is under State of Calamity under “Municipal Resolution No. 68 series of 2019.” |
SBM Dante C. Tan |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez SBM Feddie F. Jarito Ex-Officio Member Freddie F. Jarito Ex-Officio Member PPSKP Pres. Ness-lei Lagrimas |
07 |
Resolution Approving the Barangay Resolution No. 010, Series of 2019 embodying the Annual Investment Plan of Barangay Zone-1, San Roque, Northern Samar for Calendar Year 2020 amounting to SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE PESOS AND 20/100 (Php 792,525.20) |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas |
January 27, 2020 |
08 |
Resolution Approving Barangay Resolution No. 010, series of 2019 embodying the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, Northern Samar for the Calendar Year 2020 amounting to FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FOURTEEN (Php 5,347,514.00) pesos. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
February 3, 2020 |
09 |
Resolution Declaring Barangay Ordinance No. 06 Series of 2019 entitled/ Ordinansa Kodigo San Barangay Pagkolekta Buwis ug iba pa nga mga Kabaraydan sa Zone 1 Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, as consistent with law and Municipal Ordinances. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
February 10, 2020 |
10 |
Resolution Granting Authority to HON. DON L. ABALON, Municipal Mayor and EVANGELINE CATHERINE C. ESPI A, Municipal Treasurer to open and maintain for account for the General Fund Collections and Special Educational Fund with the Development Bank of the Philippines, Catarman, Northern Samar |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
February 10, 2020 |
11 |
Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Atty. DON L. ABALON, to enter into Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Natural Resources Regional Office VIII for the formulation of the Forest Land Use Plan of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar. |
SBM Dante C. Tan |
SBM Feddie F. Jarito |
February 17, 2020 |
12 |
A Resolution Adopting and Approving the 2020 supplemental Annual Investment Plan of the Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
Unanimous |
February 17,2020 |
13 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 05, series of 2019 (Annual Budget 2020) of Barangay Malobago, San Roque, N. Samar, Valid and Operative |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
February 17, 2020 |
14 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropration Ordinance No. 12, Series of 2019 (Annual Budget 2020) of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, NORTHERN Samar, Valid and Opearative. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
February 17, 2020 |
15 |
Resolution Accrediting the Solo Parents Association in the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar, subject to all existing laws, rules and regulations. |
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
March 2, 2020 |
16 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, series of 2019 (Annual Budget for C.Y. 2020) of Barangay Zone-6, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid and Operative. |
SBM Ethel o. Ramirez |
SBM Solidad S. Cagro |
March 2, 2020 |
17 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 02, series of 2019 (Annual Budget for C.Y 2020) of Barangay Coroconog, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid and Operative |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Solidad S. Cagro |
March 2, 2020 |
18 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation No. 02, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of BARANGAY BALUD, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid and Operative |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche SBM Feddie F. Jarito |
March 9, 2020 |
19 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of BARANGAY PAGSANG-AN, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid and Operative. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
March 9, 2020 |
20 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of BARANGAY ZONE-4, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid and operative. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
March 9, 2020 |
21 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 06, series of 2019 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) OF BARANGAY BALNASAN, San Roque, Northern Samar for the Calendar Year 2020 amounting to TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED (Php. 2,472,200.00) Pesos. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche SBM Feddie F. Jarito |
March 9, 2020 |
22 |
A Resolution Granting to MS. ANATOLIA GAYTA COTERO a permit to hold an Cockfight on March 16,2020 at San Roque Cockpit Arena at Barangay Dale, San Roque, Northern Samar |
SBM Solidad S. Cagro |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
March 9, 2020 |
23 |
A Resolution Concurring the Appointment of MS. MAUREEN CALIMBO FUENTES as Municipal Budget Officer (MBO). |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
SBM Feddie F. Jarito SBM Ness-lei S. Lagrimas |
March 9, 2020 |
24 |
Resolution Requesting to the TINGOG SINIRANGAN PARTYLIST, thru Congresswoman YEDDA MARIE K. ROMUALDEZ one unit Ambulance Vehicle intended for the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar |
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas |
Unanimous |
March 9,2020 |
25 |
Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor ATTY. DON L. ABALON, to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA) thru the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General for the Installation/ Adoption of an Updated Software of Philippines Civil Registry Information System (PHILCRIS) in the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar. |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
Unanimous |
March 9, 2020 |
26 |
Resolution Declaring the Entire Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar Under a State of Calamity due to Public Health Emergency caused by COVID-10 |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
Unanimous |
March 13, 2020 |
27 |
Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor ATTY. DON L. ABALON, to suspend Temporary the Implementation of Municipal Ordinance No. 12s-2014. |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche |
Unanimous |
March 16, 2020 |
28 |
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 02, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of BARANGAY ZONE-1, San Roque, Northern Samar. Valid and Operative. |
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez |
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche SBM Jincky F. Cisneros SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas |
March 16, 2020 |
A Resolution Approving and Adopting the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan of the Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
March 26,2020
A Resolution Approving and Adopting the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment plan (AIP) for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01, and realigning of various PPA’s under the 5% GAD PLAN, 1% MCPC PLAN and 1% SC Plan to be used for the Augmentation of Funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection program of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
April 2, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for the Social Amelioration
SBM Jincky F. Cisneros
April 6, 2020
Program and for other purposes Resolution Accrediting the NEGROS WOMEN FOR TOMORROW FOUNDATION (a Microfinance), in the Municipality of San Roque, N. Samar, subject to all existing laws, rules and regulation.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
April 06, 2020
31-B (April 6, 2020) Resolution Declaring Barangay Resolution No. 05, Series of 2019 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT (AID) of BARANGAY GINAGDANAN, San Roque, N. Samar
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
April 06, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 06, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of BARANGAY DALE, San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario s. Acebuche
SBM Freddie F. Jarito
SBM Jincky F. Cisneros
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
April 13, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 03, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUSDGET 2020) of BARANGAY LAWAAN, San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 13, 2020
Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor ATTY. DON L ABALON, MNSA, to accept the Deed of Donation for and in behalf of the Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar from Rene LagrimasCantong, et al administered by the donor DaniloCantongOchondra, a parcel of land to be used exclusively for the Construction of Foot-bridge along Genagdanan River in Barangay Genagdanan, San roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 20, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Atty. Don L Abalon, MNSA to acceptance Deed of Donation Inter Vivos for and in behalf of the Local Government unit of San Roque, Northern Samar from the donor Maximo M. Resuello Jr., a parcel of land covered by KatibayanngOrihinalnaTituloBlg. 23516.
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 20, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 03, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of BARANGAY GINAGDANAN, San Roque , Northern Samar, in the total amount of TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-SEVEN PESOS (Php2,313,437.00) only, Valid and Operative
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
April 20,2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) OF BARANGAY ZONE-II, San Roque, Northern Samar, in the total amount of TWO MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE PESOS (Php2,174,173.00) only, valid and Operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
April 20, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 02, series of 2020 of Barangay Council Barangay Zone-5, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01 and realigning of various PPAs under the 20% (General Public Services) of General Fund of EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID -19 Protection Program of Barangay Zone -5, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
April 20, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of Barangay Zone-5, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTHY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 150,000.00) sources from 20% (General Public Services) of General Funds stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral part Hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
April 20, 2020
Resolution Approving and Adopting the COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN (CLUP) of 2017 to 2026 in the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Dante C. Tan
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
April 20,2020
A Resolution Concurring the designation of MS. ROCHELLE M. BALUYOT as Officer-in-Charge of the Business Permits and Licensing Office in Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
April 27, 2020
Resolution Expressing Sorrow over the death of HONORABLE VEVENCIO L. SURIO, former Sangguniang Bayan Member, on April 25, 2020 and conveying deepest sympathy & condolences to the bereaved family.
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
April 27, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 01 and series of 2020 of BARANGAY ZONE-6, Poblacion, San Roque, northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan (AID) for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No.01 and realigning of various PPAs under the 20% EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant to COVID-19 Protection Program of BARANGAY ZONE-6, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 27, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 04, series 0f 2020 of BARANGAY ZONE-1, Poblacion, San Roque, northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for Calendar year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No.01 and realigning of various PPAs under the 20% EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 protection Program of BARANGAY ZONE 1, POBLACION, SAN ROQUE, NORTHERN SAMAR, VALID.
APRIL 27, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of of BARANGAY ZONE-6, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND PESOS (Php 174,000.00) sources from 20% (General Public Services) of General Funds Stated in the statements of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts thereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramires
April 27,2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-002 series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY ZONE -1, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of ONE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 140,000.00) sources from 20% (General Public Services) of General Fund Stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts thereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 27, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 002, series of 2020 of barangay Council of BARANGAY ZONE-2, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY-ONE PESOS and 50/100 (Php 50,241.50) sourced from the funds stated in the statement of funding sources LBP Form N0. 8 as Supplemental Budget as and for the MOOE-OMOE (Youth Assistance for Emergency and Calamities) as stated in LBP Form No. 09 and made integral part. Thereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 27, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor DON L ABALON to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Eastern Visayas Center for Health Development (EV-CHD) for the repair completion of Rural Health Unit in San Roque, Northern Samar thru the Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP).
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
April 27, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No.01, Series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY MALOBAGO, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No.01 and reprograming of various PPAs Under the 20% EDF Plan and 10% SK Funds of General Fund of EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of BARANGAY MALOBAGO, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
May 4, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, Series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY MALOBAGO, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of THREE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php 327,000.00) sources from 20% EDF and 10% SK Funds of General Funds stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 outbreak and made integral part thereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
May 4, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 2019-02, series of 2019 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2020 of BARANGAY LAO-ANGAN, San Roque, Northern Samar amounting to TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT PESOS (Php 2, 770, 688.00) Valid and Operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 011, series of 2019 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2020 of BARANGAY ZONE -3, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar amounting to THREE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN PESOS (Php 3,403,127.00) Valid and Operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 05, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of Barangay Zone-1, poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01 and reprograming of various PPAs under the 20% (Social Services and Environmental Services) of General Fund of EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects, and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of BARANGAY ZONE-1, Poblacion, San Roque, northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 01, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY ZONE-2, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01 and reprogramming of various PPAs under the 20% (Social Services and Environmental Services) of General Fund of EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of Barangay ZONE-2 Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No.01, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY DALE, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC-No.01 and reprogramming of various PPAs under the 20% (Economic Development Plan and General Services) of General Fund of EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of BARANGAY DALE, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 06-20, Series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY BANTAYAN, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 SUPLEMENTAL ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN for Calendar Year 2020 to be used for the augmentation of funds under the 20% EDP and 10% SK Fund for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 protection Program of BARANGAY BANTAYAN, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 02 series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY PAGSANG-AN, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN for Calendar Year 2020 to be used for the augmentation of funds under 20% EDF and 10% SK Fund of Various Programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of BARANGAY PAGSANG-AN, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-001, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANAGAY DALE, San Roque, Northern Samar, Appropriating the amount of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (Php 200, 000, 00) Sources from 20% (Economic Development and General Public Services) of General Funds stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-003, series of 2020 of Barangay Zone-1, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (Php 175,500.00) sources from 20% (Social Services and Environmental Services) of General Funds stated in the statement in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for Affected Families and Other Expenses related to COVID-19 related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
A resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-001, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY Zone-2, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY –SIX THOUSAND PESOS (Php 226,000.00) sources from 20% (Social Services and Environment Services ) of General Funds Stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses Welfare Goods for Distribution for affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures. Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 02, Series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY PAGSANG-AN, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY –FOUR THOUSAND PESOS (Php 254,000.00) sources from 20% EDF and 10% SK Fund as stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPA’s and Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 20-02, series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY BANTAYAN, San Roque, Northern Samar Appropriating the amount of SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR PESOS and THIRTY CENTAVOS (Php 677,124.30) sourced from the funds stated in the statement of funding and sources (LBP Form No. 8) and Supplemental Budget No. 1 as and for the MOOE-OMOE (Youth Assistance and other Families during Emergencies and Calamities) as stated in the LBP Form No.9 and made integral parts thereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, laws and auditing rules and procedures, valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
May 11, 2020
Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor ATTY. DON L. ABALON, to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Development (DSWD), a National Government Agency created pursuant to Republic Act No. 5416, through its Regional Office VIII, with office Address at Magsaysay Blvd., Tacloban City, Leyte and represented by its Regional Director, MARIE ANGELA S. GOPALAN, DSWD FO VIII.
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
May 18, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor DON L ABALON to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for Senior Citizen Social Pension Program and for other purposes.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
June 1, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 07-20, series of 2020 of BARANGAY COUNCIL OF BARANGAY BANTAYAN , San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01 and reprogramming of various PPAs Under the 20% (Economic Development Plan) of General Fund of EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 01, series of 2020 of BARANGAY ZONE-IV, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01 and reprogramming of various programs, projects and activities significant for COVID-19 Protection of Barangay Zone-IV, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 001, Series of 2020 of Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay Zone-IV, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Barangay Youth Investment Plan for Calendar Year 2020 to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for the COVID-19 Protection Program of Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay Zone-IV, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar. Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 20-03, Series of 2020 of BARANGAY COUNCIL OF BARANGAY BANTAYAN, San Roque,, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 380,000.00) sources from 20% EDF stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby Appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, Valid and Operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 20-03, Series of 2020 of BARANGAY COUNCIL OF BARANGAY ZONE-IV, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY-SIX PESOS AND FIFTY CENTAVOS (Php 50, 196.50) sources from the fund stated in the statement of funding and sources, (LBP Form No.8) is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget No. 001 as and for the MOOE-OMOE (Youth and Assistance and Other Expenses during Emergencies and Calamities) as stated in the LBP Form No. 9 and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, valid and operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation No. 01, Series of 2020 of BARANGAY CONCIL OF BARANGAY ZONE-IV, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 150,000.00) Sources from 20% EDF stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses, Welfare Goods for Distribution for Affected families and other expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, valid and operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 04, Series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET for CALENDAR YEAR 2020) of Barangay Zone-III, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, in the total amount of THREE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN PESOS (Php 3,403,127.00) only, valid and operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
June 8, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 06, series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of Barangay Balnasan, San Roque, Northern Samar in the total amount of TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRD FIFTY –FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE PESOS (Php 2,354,993.00) only, valid and operative.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
June 29, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 06, Series of 2019 (ANNUAL BUDGET 2020) of Barangay Lao-angan, San Roque, Northern Samar in the total amount of TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT PESOS (Php 2, 770, 688.00) only, valid and operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
Ex-Officio Member/ABC Pres. Freddie F. Jarito
Ex-Officio Member/PPSK Pres. Ness-Lei S. Lagrimas
June 29, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Resolution No. 01, Series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY ZONE-III, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan for Calendar Year 2020 relative to DILG-DBM JMC No. 01 and reprogramming of various PPAs under the 20% (Economic Development Plan) of General Fund EDF Plan to be used for the augmentation of funds for various programs, projects and activities significant for COVID-19 Protection Program of Barangay Zone-III, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar. Valid.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
July 6, 2020
A Resolution Declaring the Barangay Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-01, Series of 2020 of Barangay Council of BARANGAY ZONE-III, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, appropriating the amount of ONE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND PESOS (Php 101, 000.00) sources from the 20% (Social Security Services) of General Funds stated in the statement of funding sources, is hereby appropriated as Supplemental Budget for the other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and Expenses related to COVID-19 Outbreak, and made integral parts hereof, subject to applicable laws and auditing rules and procedures, valid and operative in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
July 6, 2020
A Resolution Approving and Adopting the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for Calendar Year 2020 of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Dante C. Tan
SBM Jincky F. Cisneros
July 13, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor DON L ABALON, to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar with the CONSUELO ZOBEL ALGER FOUNDATION Philippine Branch and the Provincial Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for the implementation of COW or project.
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
Ex-Officio Member/PPSK Pres. Ness-Lei S. Lagrimas
July 20, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Atty. Don L Abalon, MNSA to accept the Deed of Donation for and in behalf of the Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar, by the donor Anatolia G. Cotero, a parcel of land to be used exclusively and utilized as Road Right-Of-Way for the construction of a Road dedicated to public use.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
August 3, 2020
Resolution Requesting the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) thru its University President to establish an extension campus of UEP main in the Municipality of San Roque, northern Samar.
SBM Dante C. Tan
August 10, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor DON L. ABALON to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar with the Center for Empowerment and Resources Development, Inc. (CERD) and NGOs for Fisheries Reform, Inc. for the implementation of the 3-year Project, enhance participation and resiliency of coastal communities in San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
August 24, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing Municipal Mayor DON L ABALON and Municipal Treasurer Evangeline Catherine Espina of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar to open a Special Savings Deposit Account with the Development Bank of the Philippines-Catarman Branch named as follows: Account Name; Special Savings Deposit Placement, Account Name; Special Savings Deposit Placement.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
August 24, 2020
A Resolution Approving and Adopting the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for Calendar Year 2020 of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
September 14, 2020
A Resolution Adopting the Local Anti-Criminality Action Plan (LACAP) of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar for the Year 2020.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
Ex-Officio Member/PPSK Pres. Ness-Lei S. Lagrimas
September 14, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor DON L. ABALON to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center VIII (ATI-RTC VIII) of the Department of Agriculture (DA) for the enhancement of Farmers Information Technology Services (FITS) Centers under Rice Crop Manager (RCM) Projects and for other purposes.
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
September 14, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor DON L. ABALON to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (for the Lotto and Small Town Lottery Shares from the Charity Fund and Calamity Assistance), and for other purposes.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
September 14, 2020
Resolution Requesting Honorable Mayor Don L. Abalon and the Local Finance Committee to allocate funds for the grant of Hazard Pay and for Special Risk Allowance to the Local Frontline Public Health Workers of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar rendering service during the period of State of Calamity.
SBM Dante C. Tan
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
ABC Pres. Freddie F. Jarito
PPSK Pres. Ness-Lei S. Lagrimas
October 5, 2020
Resolution Declaring Barangay Ordinance No. 001, Series of 2020, Enacting the Barangay Revenue Code of Barangay Zone-VI, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, as Valid in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
October 5, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L Abalon to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with COSMOTECH PHILIPPINES INC., for the use of its Traze Contact Tracing App in relation to COVID-19 Contact Tracing, and for other purposes.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
October 12, 2020
Resolution Approving and Adopting the Municipal Development Council (MDC), its Sectoral or Functional Committees and its Compositions and Functions in the Municipal Government of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
October 12, 2020
Resolution Adopting the 2020 Supplemental Annual Investment Plan, in the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
PPSK Pres. Ness-Lei S. Lagrimas
Resolution Requesting Secretary Wendel E. Avisado of the Department of Budget And Management, thru Congresswoman Yedda Marie K. Rumualdez, the amount of SIXTEEN MILLION PESOS (Php 16,000,000.00) for the Road Improvement Concreting of the Sitio Patong to Barangay Lawaan Section of the National Highway (Bantayan) to Barangay Ginagdanan Farm to Market-Road, San Roque , Northern Samar.
SBM Jocelyn U. Curso
October 12, 2020
Resolution Declaring Barangay Ordinance No. 20-019,Series of 2020 the Revenue Code of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, Northern Samar consistent with law and other Municipal Ordinances.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
October 19, 2020
A Resolution Respectfully Requesting Financial Assistance addressed to Secretary Wendel E. Avisado of Department of Budget and Management for Funding for the Local Government Support Fund COVID-19 in the amount of FIFTEEN MILLION PESON (Php 15, 000, 000.00) under Bayanihan to Recover as One Act.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
October 19, 2020
The Resolution Approving the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for Calendar Year 2021 of the Municipal of San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
October 19, 2020
Resolution Declaring Barangay Ordinance No. 03, Series of 2020 the Community Fish Landing Center (CFLC) or as “Bagsakan Center” of Fish Catch of the Municipal Fisherfolks of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar, consistent with law and other Municipal Ordinances.
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Jincky F. Cisneros
October 19, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon to accept the Deed of Donation for and in behalf of the Municipal Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar, executed by Plan International Inc, (PII) also known as Plan Philippines, for 1 unit 6x9m Isolation Tent to be used in delivering quality basic health services.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Feddie F. Jarito
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
November 3,2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon, in behalf of the Local Government Unit of San Roque, Northern Samar, to sign the Deed of Donation with the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) represented by Royina Marzan Garma, General Manager, for the acceptance of one (1) unit Patient Transport Vehicle.
SBM Jincky F. Cisneros
November 9, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon to enter into an agreement with the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) to secure the services and assistance of the university for the preparation and crafting of People’s Survival Fund Proposal relative to Programs, and projects for Climate Change Adaptation Resiliency.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
November 16, 2020
A resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for the Senior Citizen Social Pension Program and for other purposes.
SBM Solidad S. Cagro
November 16, 2020
A Resolution Concurring the Designation of Ms. Clotilde E. Soria as Officer-in-Charge (Municipal Agriculturist-Designate) of the Municipal Department of Agriculture.
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
November 16,20200
A Resolution Authorizing the Local Chief Executive Mayor Don L. Abalon to enter into a Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) with the Government Service Insurance System relative to the GSIS Multi-Purpose Loan (GSIS-MPL) with consolidation of debts.
SBM Dante C. Tan
November 16, 2020
Resolution Approving Barangay Resolution No. 20-024, Series of 2020 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, Northern Samar for the Calendar Year 2021 amounting to FIVE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE PESOS (Php 5, 751, 781.00).
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
November 23, 2020
Resolution Approving Barangay Resolution No. 02, Series of 2020 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) of Barangay Zone-V, San Roque, Northern Samar for the Calendar Year 2021 amounting to THREE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FOURTEEN PESOS (Php 3, 412, 314.00).
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
November 23, 2020
A Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for the Social Amelioration Program under Bayanihan 2, including Assistance to Individual in Crisis Situation (AICS) programs and for other purposes.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
November 27, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 02, Series of 2020 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2021 of Baranagay Zone-III, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid and operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
December 1, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Ordinance No. 2020-003, Series of 2020 of Barangay Zone-III, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
December 1, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 03, Series of 2020, the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2021 of Barangay Zone-VI, Poblacion, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid and operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
December 7, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 09, Series of 2020, the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2021 of Barangay Malobago, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid and operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
December 7, 2020
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 10, Series of 2020 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2021 of Barangay Pagsang-an, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid and operative.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
December 7, 2020
Resolution Declaring Barangay Resolution No. 24, Series of 2020 of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, Northern Samar, valid in its entirety.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
SBM Dante C. Tan
SBM Alvin M. Lagrimas
December 7, 2020
Resolution Declaring Barangay Ordinance No. 019, Series of 2020 of Barangay Bantayan, San Roque, Northern Samar, Valid in its entirety.
Resolution Declaring the Barangay Resolution No. 10-17, Series of 2020 the ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN (AIP) for Calendar Year 2021 of Barangay Dale, San Roque, Northern Samar.
SBM Ethel O. Ramirez
December 14, 2020
Resolution Authorizing the Municipal Mayor Don L. Abalon To enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Health Eastern Visayas Center for Health Development for the grant of Active Hazard Duty Pay (AHDP) and Special Risk Allowance (RA) to Public Health Workers for other purposes.
SBM Hilario S. Acebuche
December 14, 2020
Resolution Enacting the Revised Revenue Code of the Municipality of San Roque, Northern Samar.
December 17, 2020