1st Quarter Accomplishment Reports CY 2021
(As of March 29, 2021)
Enhancement of Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2017-2026
- Updating of Existing Land Use Map per Barangay by CLUP Geotagging and GIS Mapping Team
Annual Accomplishment Report CY 2020
- Consolidated all annual accomplishment reports of concerned MLGU Departments and Offices
Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP)
- Prepared required preliminary documents and submitted to DENR-CENRO Pambujan, Northern Samar
Food Security Development Plan CY 2021-2023
- Submitted a copy of Food Security Development Plan CY 2021-2023 to
Sangguniang Bayan for Approval and Adoption
Kalahi-CIDSS NCDDP (Community Based Response to COVID-19 -CBRC)
- Facilitated in the establishment of the Municipal Coordinating Team (MCT), approved by the Municipal Mayor thru Designation Order Nr. 2021-02 dated September 1, 2020, for the implementation of KC-NCCDP in the Municipality
- Formulated the CSO Plan of Activities for CY 2021
- Formulated the Sustainability Plan for Kalahi-CIDSS Programs of the Municipality
Municipal Development Council (MDC)
- As secretariat, facilitated the conduct of the 1st Quarter Joint MDC-LSB-MNC-MIAC Meeting last January 26, 2021 at Roofdeck, Municipal Building, San Roque, Northern Samar
Municipal Peace and Order Council (MPOC)
- Facilitated the conduct of the 1st Quarter Joint MPOC-MADAC-MDRRMC Meeting last January 26, 2021 at Roofdeck, Municipal Building, San Roque, Northern Samar
Kalahi-CIDSS NCDDP (Community Based Response to COVID-19 -CBRC)
- Facilitated the submission of Enrollment Forms to DSWD-RO8 thru the Municipal Coordinating Team;
- Facilitated in passing of resolutions related to the implementation of KAHI-CIDSS NCDDP – CBRC in San Roque;
- Formulated the LCC Plan for the KALAHI-CIDSS program implementation
- Conducted Sustainability Evaluation of Completed KC-NCDDP Subprojects in the Municipality;
Tricycle Route Plan (as per DILG MC No. 2020-036 dated February 17, 2020)
- Prepared and submitted copy of Tricycle Route Plan to DILG Validating Team, MLGOO and DILG-PO Catarman
Office Performance and Commitment Review (OPCR) CY 2021
- Prepared and submitted OPCR CY2021 to the Office of the Municipal Mayor and Internal Audit Service Office
Annual Investment Plan CY 2022 (Province of Northern Samar)
- Submitted copy of Proposed PPAs of MLGU San Roque, Northern Samar for inclusion in the Annual Investment Plan CY 2022 of the Province of Northern Samar
Local Road Network Development Plan CY 2022-2026 (Province of Northern Samar)
- Submitted copy of Proposed Road Sector Five-Year Development Plan of MLGU San Roque, Northern Samar for inclusion in the Local Road Network Development Plan CY 2022-2026 of the Province of Northern Samar
Annual Accomplishment Report CY 2020
- Submitted Final Copy of Annual Accomplishment Report CY 2020 to the Office of the Municipal Mayor for submission to the Provincial Governor’s Office and DILG;
Pambujan Watershed Management Project
- As member of the Watershed Management Plan Team under the co-management program of the DENR, LGUs, NGOs and other Stakeholders, attended the first meeting on “Preparatory Activities for Pambujan Watershed Management” at Pambujan, Northern Samar and discussed the preparatory activities to be undertaken by the group.
Kalahi-CIDSS NCDDP (Community Based Response to COVID-19 -CBRC)
- Facilitated in passing of resolutions institutionalizing the Community-Driven Development (CDD) of KAHI-CIDSS;
- Conducted Rapid Assessment to all 16 barangays of the Municipality;
- Conducted Sustainability Evaluation of Completed KC-NCDDP Subprojects in the Municipality;
Peace and Order and Public Safety
- Facilitated in the passing of the Local Anti-Criminality Action Plan (LACAP) for CY 2021 under PNP-San Roque Municipal Police Station;
- Facilitated in the passing of a resolution related to the implementation of Community Support Program (CSP) under the AFP thru the 43rd Infantry (WESEARCH) Batallion;